Business cards are a terrific place to display QR Codes, as they provide potential customers and business associates with access to your contact details. QR Codes can also link directly with a webpage that houses up-to-date information or with a file that can be downloaded directly into an address book, such as a vCard or […]
QR Codes
qr code
How do I download a QR Code from my dashboard?
How do I create a QR Code?
How do I use QR Codes to measure clicks in emails or on websites?
QR Codes can actually do more than you might think. Here is a neat way to use your code as an analytic tool. Every company sends out emails or uses website referrals to make customers aware of its products or services. This type of tool could be a newsletter that directs customers to a certain […]
What are the “non-mobile” scans that show up in my code statistics?
The non-mobile label indicates a “scan” that occurs from a stationary computer. For example, one of your customers might have used her mouse to click on a QR Code published on a website. Or, she might have simply clicked a link to your website in an email. You can use this last feature to measure […]
How do I get to my dashboard?
Open our website, click top right onto Sign In. A new top banner will open asking you to fill in your username and password. When done, click onto Login. You are directly led to your dashboard. Being logged in, you can surf to other sub-sites as Features or Pricing (to see all the subscriptions […]
How to achieve high scan rates? What are the keys to success?
How do I achieve high scan rates? What are the keys to success of my QR campaigns? We get this question a lot, and it is certainly valid. Based on our experience, several factors can bump up QR Code scan rates. Here are the most important keys to success: 1) Your customer takes the time […]
How do I delete a QR Code?
How do I delete a QR Code? Well…QR Codes actually cannot be deleted. There’s a logical reason for this, and it has to do with your customers’ experience. Let’s say you have a code printed on a flyer, but now the campaign is over. Logically, you would delete that code in your account because you […]
How big (what size) should I print my QR Code?
Not too small: The standard black and white QR code itself should be around 1.5 to 2 cm or 0.59 to 0.79 inches big. Do not make individual modules smaller than 0.8 mm or 0.03 inches. Also: Be sure to leave a little bit of white space around the code (approximately 4 times the size […]
What is a dynamic QR Code? And how do I create one?
Dynamic QR Codes are changeable – that’s why they are called “dynamic”! These QR Codes give you the ultimate in safety. If you want to redirect one of your dynamic codes, just log in at, click on the URL, change the address, and confirm. The very same QR Code will instantly lead to its […]